Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Immediate Load Implants

Another Option to Secure Your Dentures

All-on-4™ immediate load implants are another possibility to permanently secure your dentures. As the name suggests, with just four strategically placed implants, you can have relief from denture problems of movement to have strong support for chewing every type of food. There is no waiting time for the bone to heal, so you can have healthy, functioning teeth the very same day as the implants are placed.

In times past, when teeth were lost due to trauma, disease, or extraction, and patients wanted replacements with dental implants, they would go to an oral surgeon. Once the surgeon inserted the posts, the patient returned to the regular dentist for the completion of the process. At our practice, we handle the entire procedure for immediate load implants in just one visit. And patients do not have to wait another six months for the teeth to be placed.

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Friday, 25 December 2015

Understanding Your Dental Plan

Learn more about what the American Dental Association has to about understanding your dental plan.

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Dental Teeth Whitening

Dazzling White Teeth in Just One Visit

Perhaps you have noticed the results produced by professional whitening methods, as seen in magazine or television ads. We use a professional in-office whitening technique called Sinsational Smile™ Whitening that uses a patented, prefilled tray and special light to remove stains and darkness in only 20 minutes! The results can last for years.

We also provide whitening trays, custom-made in our own lab. We give you supplies to complete the process at home, and when you follow the instructions you will have pleasing results in 1-14 days!

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Chew on this: Six dental myths debunked

Myth 1: The consequences of poor oral health are restricted to the mouth

Expectant mothers may not know that what they eat affects the tooth development of the fetus. Poor nutrition during pregnancy may make the unborn child more likely to have tooth decay later in life. “Between the ages of 14 weeks to four months, deficiencies in calcium, vitamin D, vitamin A, protein and calories could result in oral defects,” says Carole Palmer, EdD, RD, professor at TUSDM and head of the division of nutrition and oral health promotion in the department of public health and community service. Some data also suggest that lack of adequate vitamin B6 or B12 could be a risk factor for cleft lip and cleft palate formation.

In children, tooth decay is the most prevalent disease, about five times more common than childhood asthma. “If a child’s mouth hurts due to tooth decay, he/she is less likely to be able to concentrate at school and is more likely to be eating foods that are easier to chew but that are less nutritious. Foods such as donuts and pastries are often lower in nutritional quality and higher in sugar content than more nutritious foods that require chewing, like fruits and vegetables,” says Palmer. “Oral complications combined with poor diet can also contribute to cognitive and growth problems and can contribute to obesity.”

Myth 2: More sugar means more tooth decay

It isn’t the amount of sugar you eat; it is the amount of time that the sugar has contact with the teeth. “Foods such as slowly-dissolving candies and soda are in the mouth for longer periods of time. This increases the amount of time teeth are exposed to the acids formed by oral bacteria from the sugars,” says Palmer.

Some research shows that teens obtain about 40 percent of their carbohydrate intake from soft drinks. This constant beverage use increases the risk of tooth decay. Sugar-free carbonated drinks and acidic beverages, such as lemonade, are often considered safer for teeth than sugared beverages but can also contribute to demineralization of tooth enamel if consumed regularly.

To read the entire article written by Medardo Chua, please visit IDentalAccess.com

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Three Oral Hygiene Tips for Men

When it comes to personal oral hygiene, not all men are as attentive to their teeth as women. Starting with the checkup, surveys suggests men are more likely to see a dentist only in the event of a problem. So, guys, learn how to step up your oral care routine with the following tips for maintaining a healthy smile and preventing oral health problems before they start.

Toothbrush Tips
Brushing is just one part of keeping your mouth clean - doing so twice a day, in particular. However, the average man brushes his teeth 1.9 times a day, according to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD). It's not enough to brush quickly and be on your way; two minutes of thorough cleaning is your most effective approach. Keep in mind you don't need to brush hard during this process. Use a soft-bristled brush such as Colgate® Slim Soft™ and brush gently at a 45-degree angle.

Some helpful hints: Replace your toothbrush every three to four months, rinse it after each use and store it in an upright position to air dry. Storing it in a container actually allows microorganisms to grow on the brush, explains the American Dental Association (ADA), so it's best to avoid this method.

Sports and Dental Injuries
Playing contact sports can lead to trauma in unexpected places, and this includes broken, chipped or lost teeth. Wear a mouthguard when you're on the field and a helmet when you're on your bike. Ultimately, see your dentist as soon as possible after experiencing an incident to quickly assess the damage and determine what can be done to fix it.

To read the entire article written by Margie Monin Dombrowski, please visit Colgate.com 

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Children's Dental Sealants

A Preventive Treatment

We want children to keep their natural teeth for a lifetime, and we can help with a very effective preventive treatment that is safe, quick, and easy. One application of a dental sealant will mineralize their teeth to help guard against the onset of decay.
This is the entire, easy treatment: Teeth are first cleaned and then sterilized. An application of the sealant is applied to each tooth's surface. With a curing light, Dr. Miller or Dr. Squires bonds the sealant to the tooth. It is not noticeable, as it is clear or white. And that is the whole procedure. No drilling or shots are necessary.
This has been proven to be a very effective treatment both for children and adolescents in preservation of their permanent teeth.

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

A New Year's You: Dental Health Resolutions

Your dental health is an important part of your overall wellness, and the New Year is a great time to create resolutions for improving your health. Many people have dental health resolutions that range from improving their toothbrushing habits to completing delayed dental treatment. Understanding the benefits of your particular resolutions can be motivating and rewarding. Whatever your goals might be, it is important to take small steps to achieve them. Consistency is key with any resolution that you make.

Improving Toothbrushing and Flossing Habits
Perhaps you would like to improve your oral health. Daily toothbrushing and flossing is a sure and simple way to improve your oral health. For successful bacterial plaque removal, it is important to brush at least twice a day using an appropriately sized, soft-bristle, manual or electric toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste. When you brush your teeth, gently position the toothbrush bristles at a 45-degree angle toward the gumline and move the toothbrush across the teeth to effectively remove bacterial plaque. It is also important to floss at least once per day to remove bacterial plaque and food that has accumulated throughout the day. Your toothbrush should be replaced every 3 to 4 months, as well as after you have a cold or flu or if the bristles are frayed. Daily toothbrushing and flossing help to prevent gingivitis (gum disease), tooth decay and halitosis (bad breath). The daily use of antimicrobial and fluoride mouthrinses also helps to improve your oral health.

To read the entire article written by Yolanda Eddis, please visit Colgate.com

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Dental Implants

Overdentures Solve Problems

Anyone who wears dentures knows how annoying slipping, tilting, and sliding can be when eating. An equally annoying problem is that denture adhesives don't do the job they should. Dr. Miller and Dr. Squires offer patients an alternative with overdentures. Using a few dental implants, your dentures can be secured to eliminate the problems of movement when eating or speaking and then simply snap off for cleaning to be easily replaced when finished.

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

After-Hours Emergency Dentistry

Learn more about what the American Dental Association has to about after-hours emergency dentistry.

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Sunday, 22 November 2015

White Dental Fillings

Modern Fillings

We use only composite resin filling material for restoration of cavities. This type of material contains no metal, and the fillings are made to match the shade of the tooth. They bond tightly to tooth enamel to prevent decay from setting in. They also provide additional strength to the tooth structure while keeping the natural appearance of the tooth.

Silver-amalgam fillings have been the most common type used by dental practices. As metal does not bond tightly to a tooth, they can become loose and allow cavities to start around them. They also created dark patches in light teeth that are very noticeable when speaking or laughing. Patients do not like them, as they do not create a pleasing smile.

Our patients are pleased, however, with the type of filling materials we use as they make for an attractive smile and bond tightly for a durable, natural-looking restoration in front or back teeth.

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Are You Flossing Or Just Lying About Flossing? The Dentist Knows

There's nothing like jamming a waxed piece of string between your tightest molars and sliding it back and forth. And who doesn't do that once a day, just as the dentist prescribes?

Well, a lot of us. Twenty-seven percent of adults lie to their dentists about how often they floss their teeth, a survey released Tuesday found. Not only that, but more than a third of people surveyed would rather be doing unpleasant chores than flossing their teeth daily. Fourteen percent would rather clean the toilet. Nine percent would rather sit in gridlock traffic for an hour. And 7 percent would rather listen to small children crying on a plane.

Actually, that 27 percent sounds awfully low. When we called up Dr. Joan Otomo-Corgel, a periodontist and president of the American Academy of Periodontology, which conducted the survey, she said: "Is that all?"
More than a third of Americans would rather do an unpleasant activity than floss.
American Academy of Periodontology

She's not the only oral health professional who thinks many patients are fibbing when they say they're flossing. "I am shocked," says Dr. Sally Cram, a periodontist and spokesperson for the American Dental Association, via email. "Given my experience with patients in my practice I thought it would be higher!"

To read the entire article written by Jessie Rack, please visit NPR.org

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Sunday, 8 November 2015

20 Mistakes You're Making With Your Teeth

Taking care of your pearly whites isn't rocket science, but it's easy to slip into habits that could cause heartache -- er, toothache -- in the long run. We got the latest on giving your teeth the TLC they need from two New York City pros: Alice Lee, DDS, an assistant professor in the Department of Dentistry for Montefiore Health System, and Alison Newgard, DDS, an assistant professor of clinical dentistry at Columbia University College of Dentistry, will clue you in on where you could be going wrong.

Multitasking while you brush
Every minute in the morning feels precious, so it's tempting to brush your teeth in the shower or while scrolling through your Twitter feed. "To each his own," says Dr. Newgard, "but I prefer patients to be in front of a mirror, over the sink; you can be sure to hit all the surfaces of your teeth, and you'll do a more thorough job when you're not distracted." Better to leave the bathroom a few minutes later having given proper attention to each step of your prep.

Overcleaning your toothbrush
Thinking about running your brush through the dishwasher or zapping it in the microwave to disinfect it? Think again: While we've all seen those stories about toothbrushes harboring gross bacteria, the CDC says there's no evidence that anyone has ever gotten sick from their own toothbrush. Just give your brush a good rinse with regular old tap water, let it air-dry, and store it upright where it's not touching anyone else's brush. More drastic cleaning measures may damage your brush, the CDC notes, which defeats its purpose.

Using social media as your dentist
The web is full of weird and (seemingly) wonderful DIY dental tips that can hurt much more than they'll help. Read our lips: Don't even go there. "I've heard of patients who go on Pinterest and find ways to whiten their teeth there--by swishing with straight peroxide, for example--which are not good for their teeth," Dr. Newgard says. "Use ADA-approved products that have been tested." (Another online tip to skip: trying to close up a gap in your teeth with DIY rubber band braces.) 

To read the entire article written by Lauren Oster, please visit HuffingtonPost.com 

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Sunday, 1 November 2015

More Than a Quarter of Americans Have This Untreated Disease

Let's just say, it might be time to get your pearly whites checked.

It's time for Americans to get over their fear of the dentist. According to new data published from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics, more than 25% of U.S. adults aged 20 to 64 have untreated tooth decay. Additionally, 1 in 5 adults aged 65 and older may have it as well.

And if that's not motivation enough to take a seat in the dental chair, 91% have one tooth (or more) that has been treated for tooth decay or needs to be.

To read the entire article written by Samantha Toscano, please visit GoodHouseKeeping.com

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Dental Gum Disease

Gum Disease Treatment Nampa ID

The Most Common Reason for Tooth Loss

Gum disease is the most frequent cause of missing teeth. Bleeding gums during brushing or flossing and loose teeth are the signs of this infection. In some cases, these symptoms are not present until the problem is severe. When treatment begins in the earlier stages, there are nonsurgical methods to stop the infection. If you wait too long for treatment, surgery may be necessary. 

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry Nampa ID

Relax for Every Treatment with Sedation Dentistry

No longer do patients have to dread dental care. Conscious sedation dentistry makes you unaware of the work being performed while still being conscious to answer questions Dr. Miller or Dr. Squires may ask.

By simply taking one pill an hour before your appointment, you begin to feel very calm and gradually reach a deeper level of relaxation as you sit in the dental chair. While your treatment proceeds, your vital signs are continually monitored. After your work is completed, someone takes you home and in about an hour, you are completely alert again.

Some patients have a greater fear of being completely unconscious. They do not want to be unaware of their environment. But conscious sedation provides a happy medium of being in control to communicate while anxiety is eliminated.

There are also patients who are very resistant to getting numb with anesthesia, and instead, they rely on this type of sedation to have their dental work accomplished. Some patients need extensive work but don't have the time for multiple visits. In one longer visit, all the work can be taken care of with this type of sedation.

We also use nitrous oxide for lighter sedation needs.

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Discreet Orthodontics

Orthodontics Dentistry Nampa ID

Braces That are Hardly Noticeable

What are now referred to as traditional braces are quite different from the braces patients wore decades ago. They are much more discreet, as the brackets are bonded to teeth in front rather than around the tooth. This means they are smaller and less noticeable. The brackets can be clear or white to make them less visible. Wires are much thinner and gently move teeth into their new position, giving an additional plus by making them much more comfortable to wear. 

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Dental Crowns Dentist

CEREC Single Visit Dental Crowns Nampa IDA Perfectly Fitting Crown in One Visit

Perhaps you have been through the procedure to have a permanent crown placed in your mouth. After impressions of your teeth are made, a temporary crown is placed over the prepared tooth. There is a two-week wait and another trip to the dentist to receive the permanent crown. If the fit isn't right, there are more trips to the dentist and yet more waiting time.
That was the long, drawn-out procedure before, but with the CEREC™ computerized design and milling device, today you can have a perfectly fitting crown in just one visit. No kidding! We create a durable, natural-looking crown in our own lab while you wait – with no return trips to the dentist.

The procedure begins by having a reflective powder painted on the damaged tooth. With a specialized camera, an accurate picture is taken and displayed on a screen. We design the restoration from the digital image and CEREC fabricates the crown in just minutes. This restoration is bonded to the remaining structure of the tooth and you are good to go!

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Children's Dentistry

Children's Dentist in Nampa IDThe Best Dental Care For Your Children

Children enjoy coming to their visits at our practice, as our team puts them at ease and makes them feel comfortable in our care. Dr. Miller and Dr. Squires use the latest techniques in children's dentistry and deliver treatment with thoughtful gentleness. We want them to keep their natural teeth for a lifetime, and we teach them how to take care of their teeth at home with proper daily dental hygiene. We enjoy all their visits starting with the first tooth, and each visit thereafter as they grow and change.
We want all generations of children to have no fear of dental visits and treatment. We strive to make every child feel relaxed and not have any anxiety at our practice. Parents have told us they are very impressed that their children enjoy visiting us. If you have a child who is scared or active, we can help to change his or her mind about visits to the dentist. 

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Implant Dentistry

Natural-Looking Dental Implants for a Beautiful Smile

Whether you have missing teeth in the front or back of your smile, dental implants can replace lost teeth to recapture a full smile. They look very natural as they come up through the gums, rather than sitting on top of them as a bridge does.

If you are missing all your teeth, dental implants can replace dentures and resolve all the problems of slippage or trapped food – plus, they never need to be taken out.

We handle the entire process from implanting the post to fabricating and placing the crown, so there is no need to be referred to another practice.

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Monday, 7 September 2015

Cosmetic Dentistry

Remaking Your Smile

Having the smile of your dreams lets you look good and feel good too! With preventive treatment and a variety of restorative techniques, you can have a new smile in less time than you think. There are options to choose from with veneers, whitening, bonding, crowns, or dental implants that will fit your budget and make your smile its very best. 

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Dentists Nampa ID

Dr. Miller, Dr. Squires, and the team of Southridge Dental are pleased to be able to offer beautiful smiles to their neighbors in Nampa and the surrounding communities.

Roarke J. Miller, DMD, was born in Caldwell, Idaho, and raised in nearby Middleton. He Dentist Dr. Roarke Miller Nampa IDattended Ricks College, Boise State University, and California State University, San Marcos for his undergraduate studies. After completing his dental education from Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio, Dr. Miller served as a dentist in the U.S. Army. His duties took him to Korea and to Southern California. After four years of military service, Dr. Miller and his family returned home to the Treasure Valley where he has put his heart into his practice. Dr. Miller invests many hours each year in postgraduate education. His most recent training in CEREC™ restorations and minimally invasive implant techniques allows him to provide his patients with quicker, more comfortable treatment options for repairing or replacing damaged and missing teeth.

An active member of the community through church youth programs, Dr. Miller loves spending time with his wife, Holly, and their six children. In his free time, he enjoys golfing, the outdoors, and almost any sport.


Dentist Dr. Todd Squired Nampa IDTodd L. Squires, DDS, loves working with his hands to help others feel confident about their smiles! He did his undergraduate training at Brigham Young University and received his dental degree from Creighton University School of Dentistry in Omaha, Nebraska. He also speaks fluent Spanish, which he learned while living in Mexico for a time.

Dr. Squires and his wife, Jenny, have three awesome children – one girl and two boys – who keep them pretty busy. With any free time he can manage, Dr. Squires loves to take horses into the mountains, spend time on a lake, find a project to tackle, or take a motorcycle road trip.

Southridge Dental
2811 12 Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 466-2458